Sunday 18 September 2011

Quote of the Day…
Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away.
Arthur Helps






These truly are life changing books. I personally have read "THE HEAVENLY MAN" and "SEX GOD."
I simly can't wait to get 'stuck' into the others :-)

They offer so much inspiration and insight particularly for girls- I thought....

A couple of girls commented:

"CAPTIVATING, helped to undersand what true beauty is which has been a struggle for some time. I did not feel worthy and believed I wasn't beautyful, but now I realize that true beauty comes from the inside and reflects this on the outside."

" From my past experiences I was lead to believe that sex was not beautiful and that it didn't come from God, but after reading this book (SEX GOD) I really couldn't believe how beautiful it actually was if we see it through God's eyes."

" I read THE HEAVENLY MAN and page after page I couldn't keep my mouth from gaping, because of what it took to be a heavenly man. I was actually jelous because I longed for a husband like that but to me that was unrealistic, but I can't make that assumption and at the same time I thought to myself. Am I being a Heavenly Woman?"

A  few "QUOTES" from the above books mentioned....

"I will be in this prison for exactly the length of time God has determined. I won't leave one moment early and I won't stay one moment too long. When God determines my ministry in prison is complete, I will come out."


Given the way creation unfolds, how it builds to ever and ever higher works of art, can there be any doubt that Eve is the crown of creation? . . . Look out across the Earth and say to yourselves, "The whole, vast world is incomplete without me. Creation reached its zenith in me" (pg. 25).

The essence of a woman is Beauty. She is meant to be the incarnation—our experience in human form—of a Captivating God (pg. 130).


“Agape doesn't love somebody because they're worthy.

Agape makes them worthy by the strength and power of its love.

Agape doesn't love somebody because they're beautiful.

Agape loves in such a way that it makes them beautiful.”
“The danger is that in reaction to abuses and distortions of an idea, we'll reject it completely. And in the process miss out on the good of it, the worth of it, the truth of it.”

“When we deny the spiritual dimension to our existence, we end up living like animals. And when we deny the physical, sexual dimension to our existence, we end up living like angels. And both ways are destructive, because God made us human.”


“Deep in man’s heart are some fundamental questions that simply cannot be answered at the kitchen table. Who am I? What am I made of? What am I destined for? It is fear that keeps a man at home where things are neat and orderly and under his control. But the answers to his deepest questions are not to be found on television or in the refrigerator.”
“Masculinity is an essence that is hard to articulate but that a boy naturally craves as he craves food and water.”
“A man needs a battle to fight; he needs a place for the warrior in him to come alive and be honored, trained, seasoned. If we can reawaken that fierce quality in a man, hook it up to a higher purpose, release the warrior within, then the boy can grow up and become truly masculine.”

so this is just a bit of an appetiser for you but I really encourage you to read these books to discover more things for yourself.

you can also follow these websites and find out more...


Friday 16 September 2011


Quote of the Day…
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Nelson Mandela

Today I would like to show you examples of relationship experiences of girls...
Take what you need from it... 

Hi, my name is Marissa*
I'm a first year at 13thFloor performing arts ministry. In the beginning of the year I had my mind set on learning to know God in a deeper level and focusing on Him throughout my year, boys were never a priority. I was introduced to group of new people, gotten to know them more, and one of the guys on team, D, was eager to learn who I was. He told me that God told him that he should get to know me better. So we grew into a friendship, spent more time with each other, but I always wanted to keep my focus on God.

He had a girlfriend at this point, but admitted that he liked me more than a friend. Strangely enough I somehow overlooked that part of his story. I was there to listen and to give advice. And with time I started liking him as well (or the thought of him, I'm not sure). His relationship with his girlfriend ended, and ours grew. We admitted this to each other and he wanted to go into a relationship but I wasn't sure that I was stable enough in my relationship with God to balance them both.

After a while he got kicked off team for smoking (something he denied me a few times I asked him). He took it very hard on himself and felt like he disappointed the team. Within a few days he got sent back home. I sms'ed him to see if things were okay and how he was doing. He never replied to my messages, but replied to the messages of the other members on team. I phoned him after a while just to make sure if he was okay, and he told me it would make things easier for him if I didn't text him. So I stopped texting him, he changed his phone number and blocked me on face book (something he didn't have anything to do with). I took it very hard because I knew he was going through a hard time and I couldn't do anything.

On his birthday a few months later, I messaged him on face book through a friend on team wanting to wish him a happy birthday and a hope that he's doing well. His 'ex' girlfriend replied saying that she and D would appreciate it if I stop messaging him (they got back together during this time) and that he blocked me for a reason. Bit harsh but I drew the line that day.

When I look back now I can't believe that I was so blind to obvious things. I compromised and I overlooked clues telling me to stop. I learnt valuable lessons out of it even though it wasn't the nicest way of learning them but I still wish him all the best.

The End




It became impossible for me to see the good in relationships. If I look back in my life, I don’t know what happened that would have changed that…
 My mom and dad have a good relationship with each other and both of my sisters never seemed to have problems with relationships.  My first serious relationship happened in grade 7. He always walked me home and carried my bag for me.  I didn’t really like him.  But I grew to like him and when I finally did he had to move to the Netherlands and I would most probably never see him again. This is when I started not believe in serious relationships.
I’m sure we all have experiences of relationships where the guy is crazy about you but you don’t like him and the worst is when we like him but he doesn’t like us.
So then I was single until high school. At the end of grade 8 my best friend started to like a guy that I had always had a crush on.  I panicked so I made a move and because I didn’t tell her this so to her it seemed I was going behind her back. In the end I stated to go out with him and my friend made me choose between her and him. At that stage he was ‘my everything’ so I chose him and lost my best friend. About a month later he left me for my best friend. To this day I wonder if he was ever worth it and what would’ve happened if I had chosen my friend. Grade 9 was the worst year of my life. I was totally alone, without a guy or a friend.
In grade ten I met some fun guys and they made me happy. I began to think that guys are everything in a girl’s life. I had this power of getting a guy to fall in love with me and I took advantage of this power. When I was tired of the one I would move onto the next without any strong feelings for any of the guys I had been with, but I had no idea that this behavior had such a bad influence on me.
My parents warned me about what I was doing and told me that my flirting made me look ‘cheep.’ This hurt me so much that I didn’t even care and carried on doing what I was doing.“I’ll show them what a flirter is!” this became my incentive. After every camp I went to I would have a ‘fling’ with a guy and I would make them fall in love with me. This was my fulfillment for a long time and I made so many excuses for myself to rationalize my behavior. Excuses like: “I’m help guys to have more self confidence; I’m showing the love of Jesus.” I believed it was a gift from God. I lost my most of my morals and through everything I lost respect for myself and guys and I only saw the physical ‘stuff’ in relationships. I didn’t think I was good enough for any guy anymore and that I was just I bad influence for guys
I was in pain for pushing my feelings aside only acknowledging the guy’s feelings and letting someone misusing me for sexual pleasure and thinking I was only good enough for the guy until he found someone better. The fact is that we as girls most too often become emotionally attached too quickly
Today I realize it wasn’t just my fault and that I wasn’t the only ‘pig in the story.’ It is going to take some time to see the good in relationships but I am ready to change because God created relationships to be beautiful…



My first day of high school:  My dad taking photos of me in front of the whole school. My mom kissing me with her ruby red lips.  Me running to the bathroom to wash my face looking like a clown.  The first few minutes of my first day of high school was basically nothing but EMBARRASING!!!!  Just as I thought that it can’t get worse another embarrassing thing happened.  As I wanted to enter the bathroom I nearly bumped into him.  Him being the most popular guy in school. He gave way and obviously saw my red stained and blushing face.  I waited for him to burst out laughing, but he just smiled at me. “Waaaaiiittt a minute… Did the hottest guy in school just smile at me?  OMW!!!!!  Was he going to be my knight in shining armour that’s going to rescue me from the evil witch?  Is he the one I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little girl?”

As time passed by we started dating. We laughed, played and loved. I started to trust him with my whole heart and gave all my secrets away.  Our relationship became intimate and serious.  Everything was perfect, just like a fairytale.  Then we started fighting, even over the stupidest, small, unimportant things.  These fights caused our relationship to become unhealthy and destructive.  Later he left me. The pain a girl experiences when her first love leaves her is indescribable.  I was devastated.

I’ve always tended to seek my identity and beauty in other people.  The way they act towards me, if they’ll accept me and love me. Because of this the break up didn’t only break my heart; it also affected my self esteem.  I strongly believed that he left me because of who I am.  I was convinced that I’m ugly and worthless. 

This event made me realise how broken I was inside and how badly I wanted to become whole again.  I turned to the heart of God.  In there I discovered how beautiful and worthy I am.  I was made to be loved and adored by Him. I also let God into my heart.  Allowing Him to pick up all of the broken pieces and put it back together again.  The most important thing I’ve learned through this experience is to guard my heart, because God is the owner of it.  God has always been my first love although I only realised it recently. 

The love that will never leave me nor forsake me...     

So there it Girls.... It's REAL and NO, your not the only one!!

I know these girls and they are very special to me. They have experienced rejection and everything that goes with that but they've grown by the experience and realised that it was never them that was at fault.
You shouldn't find your worth in Guys, because we are way to precious to just give our hearts to anyone. You are worth so much more. You are God's Bride and the man that wishes to take you as his own will have go through God (the one who created you) to get to you!


Monday 12 September 2011

What do you think??

Quote of the Day…
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C. S. Lewis

I'm sure we are guilty for judging a guy after first impressions...

I mean if I had to see a hunk at the beach ofcourse I would not hesitate to look at him. what is beautiful on the outside is not always beautiful on the inside.
girl's don't get me wrong it's not always the case but most cases it is.

for those exeptions- What a Bonus!!

have a look at these pictures and see what a big influence appearance has on a impression of a guy before you even know him.

I'm going to seperate the pictures
the Hot guys will be put under 'cover' and the ordinary guys will be put under 'book'

COVER                                                              BOOK
      COVER                                                                BOOK
         COVER                                                                 BOOK



Does this confuse you a bit...

I called the 'hot' guys the cover because what they look like doesn't tell who they are and we tend to like what we see.
and with the 'book' I had the idea that are ordinary to the eye but these pictures tell a story and out of the story a different beauty but one that doesn't fade.

to me personality makes a guy attractive or a girl beautiful...

What do YOU think??

Monday 5 September 2011

I Know.....

Quote of the Day…
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.
C. S. Lewis

Men!! " Wow where do we start?!**"

> He's so difficult...
> He never does a, b, or c...
> He never listens to me...
> He only thinks about himself...

"Yes Girls I understand why we so often ask these questions. The list could go on and on...
So often we have been hurt by guys where all they leave you with is a broken heart and a distorted view of the "male species an often us girls view almost all men because of one incident."

Is there such thing as a "Perfect Man!"
It seems impossible doesn't it?


But believe it or not there are men like this we just are just blinded by our perceptions and often we are attracted to the men that were just like the first one that hurt you.
>so I'm going to give you some hope about meeting the right guy and that there is someone perfect for you out there...:-) 


We are the apple of God's eye.....
surely he would want the best for his daughters
Do not be deceived by what the eye can see because the eye is not initially the best judge of charater .